Case Studies

Ten York, Tridel
Tridel’s Ten York shifted with a shifting marketplace

The Challenge:

2012 demonstrated that it was not going be a very conventional year. With mortgage rule changes, irrational fears of an investor driven market and increasingly negative headlines about the housing industry, Toronto’s condo market saw a significant cooling off and a corresponding erosion in consumer confidence. Despite this challenging environment, Tridel entered the third quarter of the year cautiously optimistic about their chances of success for the planned opening of Ten York.

The Solution:

Recognizing the developer’s quiet confidence, Brandon Communications put in place a strategy that leveraged the project’s existing high levels of brand awareness to recalibrate the significance of its anticipated opening.

Weeks before the sales launch, Brandon began an intense strategy of targeted media relations, influencer outreach and ‘word of mouth’ tactics to seed a perception among real estate watchers that the results of Ten York’s opening would be about more than just the developers themselves; that Tridel’s decision to launch amid the negative hype was a statement on the market; and, that the success or failure of the launch would indicate the health of the overall condo market in the GTA.


The strategy to elevate the story of Ten York’s launch was effective, as threads on influential real estate blogs, postings on social media sites and significant articles in key traditional media outlets appeared, promising that Tridel’s anticipated opening would be a “bellweather”, “barometer” and a “thermometer providing a quick reading of how much heat is left in a condo market that’s cooled considerably.”

The first part of Brandon’s PR strategy was to get industry insiders asking ‘can they (Tridel) do it?’, while the second part of the strategy was to get these same insiders to say “yes, they could!”

And they did!

Faced with the news that Tridel sold more than 500 of 600 units at launch, media coverage after the sales opening began to characterize the project and the decision to launch it as one which “defies condo gloom’, and “offers evidence Toronto’s condo market is alive and well.”

While Brandon Communications’ public relations strategy for Ten York gave Tridel the media coverage it deserved in 2012, the PR campaign also managed to give Toronto’s condo market the coverage it needed in a very tough year.

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